Sunday, November 11, 2007
  Torture or not?

Who thinks "waterboarding" isn't torture? Show of hands, people. Now, are you people freaking nuts? As it has been explained by experts (i.e., those who've experienced it) it is basically simulated drowning. Now, I'm not a great swimmer. In fact I'm a pretty poor swimmer, and there've been times, especially when I was younger, that I found myself in over my head. Literally. I can remember the sheer terror of those moments. The fear. The panic. The frantic, desperate struggle to get my heard back to the air. Now if someone forced that kind of experience on me, I'd sure call it torture.

Second, those who've experienced this, even in a "safe"' training environment have declared that they would have done or said anything to make it stop. Anything. That makes any information gained from such tactics dubious at best. Given all the above why is there any debate on this subject?


Keeping the Faith

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Location: alexandria, Virginia, United States

Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.

E-mail RightFace!

Blogs I Read
  • - In My Right Mind
  • - From Behind the Badge
  • - Championable
  • - The Dawn Patrol
  • - The BoBo Files
  • - Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • - Not Fainthearted
  • - ABBAGirl 74
  • - RennRatt
  • - From My Position - Capt. Chuck Z.
  • - Michael Yon - Dispatches from the Front
  • - DadManly
  • - BlackFive
  • - Captain's Quarters
  • National Review
  • Weekly Standard
  • TownHall
  • Blue Eagle Columnist Round-Up
  • Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations