Stupid Nation!
Just how stupid does our president think we are?
This stupid!The Obama team has a brilliant fallback plan — relying on the sheer dimwitted gullibility of the American public. How stupid do they think we are? Stupid enough not to be offended at how contemptibly stupid they think we are.
Taking Out The Trash, or Obama Faces The Truth,... Not
The West Wing - Episode 13
"Take Out The Trash Day"The title refers to the Friday press briefing wherein the White House releases information about several sensitive stories, thereby preventing discussion and reducing any probable impact in the media. Donna: What's take out the trash day?
Josh: Friday.
Donna: I mean, what is it?
Josh: Any stories we have to give the press that we're not wild about, we give all in a lump on Friday.
Donna: Why do you do it in a lump?
Josh: Instead of one at a time?
Donna: I'd think you'd want to spread them out.
Josh: They've got X column inches to fill, right? They're going to fill them no matter what.
Donna: Yes.
Josh: So if we give them one story, that story's X column inches.
Donna: And if we give them five stories ...
Josh: They're a fifth the size.
Donna: Why do you do it on Friday?
Josh: Because no one reads the paper on Saturday.
Donna: You guys are real populists, aren't you?
After denying the truth, and CBO estimates, for months, the Obama administration will raise its 10-year budget deficit projection to approximately $9 trillion from $7.108 trillion in a report next week. The higher figure brings the White House budget office into line with outside estimates and gives further fuel to President Barack Obama's opponents, who say his spending plans are too expensive in light of budget shortfalls.
In other news, President Barack Obama left the White House on Friday for a 10-day vacation.
I supported single-payer, before I was opposed to single-payer, before I supported single-payer, before...
Q: How do you know a politician is lying?
A: His mouth is open.
Quote of the Day - Barney Frank
"Is Medicare bankrupt? No, it's not technically bankrupt. It needs more money."
Isn't that the definition of bankrupt?
"I'm not broke. I just need more money."
First he snubs the National Day of Prayer, now he denies the request of a rally to support the troops
Obama Denies Flyover of 'GOD & Country Rally'—1stTime In 42YrsSince 1967, a flyover was authorized for the "God and Country festival" conducted annually in Idaho, an event honoring the fighting men and women of our country. That is, until this year when President Obama refused to authorize such a flyover.
"Old people may be slow, but they always show."
Big Hollywood- Thank You, Old PeopleSo, all in all – if it wasn’t for the elderly, the one thousand page-plus bill would have passed without anyone reading it. And that makes old people cool. They read it, so the rest of us didn’t have to. Thank them, and remember that one day you’re going to end up just like them - if you’re lucky.
Time To Throw The Bums Out
What is the job of a Congressman? Is it to represent the views and desires of his constituents?
Apparently not in the great state of New York. When asked if he would vote for HR 3200 with it's government controlled, socialized, single-payer option he said, 'I will vote adamantly against the interests of my district if I actually think what I am doing is going to be helpful. I will vote against their opinion if I actually believe it will help them.'