Saturday, August 26, 2006
  More Pics
Here's a picture from about 16 years ago.
Goodfellow AFB Honor Guard Airman of the Quarter.

And a picture of me with CMSgt Paul Airey,
first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
  Some Newer Pictures

March 2004, NCOA Graduation

My hero & me.

June 2005, when I was working on the 8th Air Force Commander's Action Group. Good times.

Monday, August 07, 2006
  Northern Virginia Weather
Something my wife & I have both noticed about this area is the lightning and thunder. Now, we had some pretty heavy thunderstorms back in Texas and Louisiana but nothing to match these. I think we've yet to see a "mild" thundershower. When we get them they are full force. The volume and intensity is like nothing I've seen, at least not on such a consistent basis. It doesn't bother me too much since I've never really been very afraid of nature's light shows (wind and flooding is a little more disconcerting) but it tends to wake the kids up when it happens at 4 AM.

Which brings me to the one drawback I've found to using the DC area's mass transit system. Since my bus stop is about 1/2 mile from my front door I got pretty well drenched walking this morning. The good thing was I had my Gortex jacket and pants which kept the rain off. The bad thing it was warm enough that I started to create my own rain inside the suit. Worse was when I found out that my gym bag is not water resistant so I got to work out in shorts and shirt with a few wet spots.

But, if the occasional drenching at the hands of Mother Nature is the biggest complaint I've got about Virginia then life is still pretty darn good.
Friday, August 04, 2006
  Some Old Pictures
One thing about moving, you find a lot of stuff. Here's a couple of pics from antiquity.

Circa 1988

ALS Graduation - 1992


Keeping the Faith

My Photo
Location: alexandria, Virginia, United States

Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.

E-mail RightFace!

Blogs I Read
  • - In My Right Mind
  • - From Behind the Badge
  • - Championable
  • - The Dawn Patrol
  • - The BoBo Files
  • - Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • - Not Fainthearted
  • - ABBAGirl 74
  • - RennRatt
  • - From My Position - Capt. Chuck Z.
  • - Michael Yon - Dispatches from the Front
  • - DadManly
  • - BlackFive
  • - Captain's Quarters
  • National Review
  • Weekly Standard
  • TownHall
  • Blue Eagle Columnist Round-Up
  • Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations