Question: What's your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of $4 a gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing --Bush needs to hire some advisers who'll tell him the truth, because I've been hearing the $4 a gallon thing for weeks. "Oh, yeah?" "That's interesting." Are you kidding me!?!?!?! It's obvious the President doesn't fill his own tank, or even pay for the gas. It's also obvious that he couldn't care less.
(If you could see the video, Bush gets this perplexed "What the..." look in his eyes for a split second.)
Bush: Wait, what did you just say? You're predicting $4 a gallon gasoline?
Q:A number of analysts are predicting --
Bush: Oh, yeah?
Q: -- $4 a gallon gasoline this spring when they reformulate.
Bush: That's interesting. I hadn't heard that.
Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.