Saturday, July 31, 2004
  Why We Fight!
For some reason shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the media decided it wasn't good for us to see images of that awful day. Because of that I believe too many of our countrymen have forgotten that thousands of our fellow Americans, our countrymen, our brethren were savagely slaughtered by evil, soulless monsters. If you have a high-speed Intenet connection and want to be reminded of what was done to our nation nearly 3 years ago I recommend the following website.

  • America Attacked!

  • "They have attacked America because we are freedom's home and defender, and the commitment of our fathers is now the calling of our time."
    - President George W. Bush

    "They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong."
    -- President Ronald W. Reagan

    We will not forget. We will not forgive. We will not yield or surrender. We will prevail.
    Friday, July 30, 2004
      Who Do You Respect?
    There's lot's of "interesting" stuff about the convention, not the least of which was Kerry's sweating his way through that horrendous speech. But this incident from a campaign stop today takes the cake, I think.

    Before a campaign stop in Scranton, Kerry's "bus convoy pulled over at a Wendy's fast food restaurant for a photo opportunity lunch that provided an awkward moment.

    Spotting a group of US Marines, Kerry, who has made his Vietnam War service a cornerstone of his campaign, went over to chat. The Marines, who all turned out to be staunch Bush reporters, were not impressed.

    "He imposed on us and I disagree with him coming over here shaking our hands," one of them told reporters afterwards. "I'm 100 percent against" Kerry, he said. "We support our commander-in-chief 100 percent."

    Man, I love the Marines! OORAH!

    News story from Yahoo! News and Agence France Presse

    Monday, July 12, 2004
      America's Heroes - 12 July 2004
    Lance Corporal Justin Hunt, 22, of the 2nd Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force died July 6 in combat against insurgents in Al Anbar province.

    LAnce Corporal Justin Hunt, USMC
    What's inspirational to me about Lance Corporal Hunt's sacrifice is what he did in order to become United States Marine.

    Justin, of Wildomar, CA, was a star athlete in high school, winning trophies in wrestling, baseball and football. According to Justin's twin brother, Jason, he always wanted to be a Marine. But when he went to visit Marine recruiters in 2002 he was so big they didn't have a scale that would weigh him. Their scales only went to 350 lbs. and they estimated that Justin weighed 390. After giving up some of his favorite foods and lots of early morning runs, often accompanied by his recruiter, Justin dropped to 207 lbs, just under his maximum allowable weight. At boot camp he lost another 30 lbs and began to talk about becoming a Drill Instructor. While at Camp Lejeune he met Kerry Murphy and the couple made plans to meet each other's families.

    Justin also dreamed of going to college and becoming an FBI agent. "I want everybody to know what a great guy he was," Justin's mother, Debbie, says, "He loved being on a team, fighting for a goal." Justin's older brother, Robert, is in the US Navy deployed to the Middle East and will accompany his brother home.

    Sunday, July 11, 2004
      Sir FlipFlopsAlot Rides Again
    Kerry seems intent on proving that his words and position are determined by whatever the most politically expedient course is, a point I made last week.

    In 1993 Kerry was among other Democrats who voted against then-President Clinton in banning HIV infected people from immigrating to the US. (A vote that Sen. Kennedy said showed racism and partisan meanspiritedness. So, was he saying the Dems were meanspirited?)

    Now, 11 years later Kerry needs votes. Saturday he announced he "will work with Congress to lift the immigration ban." His reason is so the US can host an AIDS conference. I guess this must be a step in his plan to raise our standing in the world. Gee, I hope the French are watching!

    Thanks to Michelle Malkin.
    Friday, July 09, 2004
      Kerry Too Busy For National Security
    Apparently the man who would be president is too busy to get a briefing on terrorism and national security but not too busy to party down with the Bush-hating Hollywood Left.

    When questioned yesterday by CNN's Larry King about Secretary Ridge's warning of possible attacks by Al Qaeda John Kerry's response was less than reassuring. "Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time." Hasn't had time? The man who wants to lead and protect this nation is too busy to be briefed on the latest threats?

    Kerry appeared on King's show just hours before he attended a hate fest disguised as a fundraiser. A bash put on by "Fahrenheit 9/11" financier Harvey Weinstein featured Whoopi Goldberg, John Mellencamp, Jon Bon Jovi, Chevy Chase, Meryl Streep, Jessica Lange, and a host of other "stars". Kerry closed the event by leading a sing-along of "This Land Is Your Land" and said that "every performer tonight ... conveyed to you the heart and soul of our country." John Edwards said, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values."

    Well let's see about that. What do Kerry, the Democrats and the Left think "the heart and soul of our country" are? What are "real American values"? While waving a bottle of wine Goldberg treated the audience to a stream of sexual innuendoes and anatomical double entendre's such as "keep Bush where it belongs and not in the White House." She boasted that when asked for a transcript of her intended routine ""I Xeroxed my behind and I folded it up in an envelope and I sent it back with a big kiss mark. ... Why are you asking me to come if you don't want me to be me?" Mellencamp called Bush "just another cheap thug" and the "Texas bambino." Chevy Chase, said Bush is "as bright as an egg-timer" and that Edwards will make Vice President Dick Cheney look "as bright as a bundt cake" in debates. Jessica Lange called Bush "our so-called president" whose administration is "a self-serving regime of deceit, hypocrisy and belligerence." Kerry was seen laughing heartily during Goldberg's screed and called it "an extraordinary evening." Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there. Neither Kerry nor Edwards voiced any objection to any of the performers' statements.

    Party on, Dude!
    Why Kerry is "too busy" for a National Security briefing.

    So is that what we consider "the heart and soul of America" and "real American values"? Do we really want the vulgar Hollywood elite wielding their influence in Washington again? And by the way, when will Kerry find the time to learn what needs to be done to protect this country?


    10 July 04 16:30 CDT
    This just in from the Drudge Report:
    "Kerry's aides said that he was returning to Boston on Sunday a day ahead of schedule to receive a national security briefing."

    I feel better already!

    Thursday, July 08, 2004
      America's Heroes - 8 July 2004
    Why are there so many stories the media doesn't report? They love to beat us down with what they think is the bad news in the war. I read today that who you think is winning in Iraq is determined by who you want to win. If that's so, the media must be on the wrong side. Otherwise they'd tell us the good news. Otherwise they'd tell us about Jason Dunham.

    Corporal Jason L. Dunham, USMC

    Corporal Jason L. Dunham is an American hero. On April 14 Jason gave the last full measure of devotion when he leapt onto a grenade to save his friends. Jason had extended his enlistment so he could remain with his unit through their tour in Iraq. He told a friend, "I want to make sure everyone makes it home alive. I want to be sure you go home to your wife alive.”
    Jason's father, Daniel Dunham, an Air Force veteran, said, "Jason’s been my hero since he was born. All my kids are. They never had to do anything to prove that to me."

    Corporal Dunham's comrades pay their respects.

    Follow these links and read about this brave young hero.
    Bob Lonsberry
    The Desert Sun
    Talking Proud
    Marine Corps News

    Corporal Dunham has been recommended for the Medal of Honor for his selfless and heroic actions. According to the Marines, he is their only candidate for the award.

      Why We Love "W" !
    I hope you caught this on the news. Bush knocked one out of the park yesterday. In a press conference a reporter for Reuters commented that Kerry's pick for VP, Senator Edwards, had been described "as charming, engaging, a nimble campaigner, a populist and even sexy. How does he stack up against Dick Cheney?"

    Without a second's hesitation Bush confidently replied, "Dick Cheney can be president."

    'Nuff said!
      Kerry Plays Games
    Tuesday I posted a quote where Kerry claimed, "I'm the only candidate running for president who hasn't played games, fudged around."

    I contend that Kerry HAS fudged around. In fact I think he can't help it. Kerry is called a flip-flopper or a waffler. I believe he's just being a politician. He says what he thinks will score him the most points at the time he says it. He claims to be a Catholic and violates a key tenet of that faith by his stance on abortion. This is what he did in his changing support of the war in Iraq and other issues. He knew it would be poor politics not to support Bush on Iraq, but once the radical left began to protest our involvement he finds it expedient to criticize the war effort.

    Likewise with abortion. Kerry knows the vast majority of Americans, including women, are against abortion. So he says, "I believe life does begin at conception." and "I oppose abortion." But he knows the liberal feminists will crucify any candidate with such a view. So he says it's personal, and far be it from him to try and impose his beliefs on another. So if he's opposed to murder or theft, but I'm not, does that mean he'll do nothing to prevent me committing those crimes? Was it okay for the Nazis to murder millions of Jews, Christians and minority groups as a matter of national policy. Should the rest of the world have turned a blind eye to avoid "legislating our beliefs", in Kerry's words. Let me up!!!

    Politicians like Kerry are the reason people don't trust politicians. They put there finger in the wind and set their sails to get the most mileage toward their goal. Their principles are only as firm and constant as the latest poll results. Anyone who claims to believe that abortion is the taking of a human life, i.e. murder, and yet believes others have the right to commit those murders as a matter of choice is something much worse than a hypocrite.

    It should make anyone considering casting their vote for him rethink their position and examine what kind of person they want making decisions for the most powerful nation on earth. It should, but unfortunately it probably won't.
    Tuesday, July 06, 2004
      Choose Life, Vote Bush!
    In addition to the notes below please cruise over to Captain's Quarters and see what he has to say! - James

    Kerry Says He Believes "Life Does Begin At Conception."
    "I oppose abortion, personally. I don't like abortion. I believe life does begin at conception." (Jonathan Finer, "Kerry Says He Believes Life Starts At Conception," The Washington Post, 7/5/04)

    In Dubuque, Iowa, a community known for its strong Catholic and pro-life history, John Kerry stated that he believes that life begins at conception. However, John Kerry's voting record over the years and his public statements clearly show that he is one of the abortion-on-demand crowd's biggest supporters.

    In an attempt to blur the issue and win political points, John Kerry is trying to appeal to pro-lifers and hope they ignore his voting record and his public statements. If someone is willing to acknowledge that life begins at conception and does nothing to protect that life, it demonstrates a startling lack of conviction and politics at its worst.

    Kerry Says He Will Provide Abortion Rights Supporters "Clearest Possible Choice" In Kerry/Bush Contest. "And if elected president, I will nominate judges who will seek to expand [abortion] rights and opportunities--not reduce them. In this area, anyone who values a woman's right to choose in particular or constitutional privacy rights in general will have the clearest possible choice between me and President Bush in 2004." (Sen. John Kerry, A Call To Service, 2003, p. 182)

    Kerry Says He's Only Presidential Candidate "Who Hasn't Played Games" With Abortion Issue. "I'm the only candidate running for president who hasn't played games, fudged around,' said Kerry, a Massachusetts senator. If you believe that choice is a constitutional right, and I do, and if you believe that Roe v. Wade is the embodiment of that right ... I will not appoint a justice to the Supreme Court of the United States who will undo that right." (Mike Glover, "Kerry Says No Games' On Abortion," The Associated Press, 1/26/04)

    What others say about John Kerry

    Kerry Is First Presidential Candidate To Ever Be Endorsed By Planned Parenthood Action Fund.
    (Laurie Goodstein, "Vatican Cardinal Signals Backing For Sanctions On Kerry," The New York Times, 4/24/04)

    Kerry Received 100% Ranking For 2003 Votes From Planned Parenthood. (Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. Website, , Accessed 1/24/04)

    Kerry Received 100% Ranking For 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Votes From NARAL. (NARAL, Congressional Votes On Abortion, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993)

    John Kerry's Voting Record in the United States Senate

    Kerry Has Voted At Least Six Times Against Banning Partial-Birth Abortion.

    Kerry Has Voted At Least 25 Times In Favor Of Using Taxpayer Dollars To Pay For Abortions In United States.

    Kerry Voted Against Unborn Victims of Violence Act - "Laci and Connor Peterson's Law"

    Nonpartisan National Journal Scored Kerry's Votes Most Liberal In Senate For 2003. Kerry scored a Senate-high 97% liberal rating for 2003, beating out Sens. Barbara Boxer (91), Hillary Clinton (89), Ted Kennedy (88), and Tom Daschle (80). (National Journal Website, "How They Measured Up,", 2/27/04)

      My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
    Well, I really wanted to get some posting done over the weekend but was just having too much fun doing family stuff. Eating, going to church, eating, fireworks, cooking out, and did I mention eating? Anyway, here's another column I wrote in March of 2003 that was published in the Alvord-Sunset Gazette. Hope you enjoy it. - James

    My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys

    According to several European leaders, Iraq's Hussein-owned newspaper, Babil, and many leftist Americans, President George W. Bush is a "cowboy."

    Defeated presidential candidate Al Gore said in Sept. 2002, that the Bush administration was guilty of a "do-it-alone, cowboy-type reaction to foreign affairs." Babil, the Iraqi newspaper owned by Saddam Hussein's family, urged Russia, France and China to differentiate between Iraq, "which adopts a policy of peace, and a country (the United States) that adopts a cowboy policy." The heads of state of some of our so-called "allies" have even referred to Bush as a cowboy. Of course, by association, they consider everyone who supports the policy of President Bush toward Iraq and its dictator to be "cowboys" too.

    They mean this as an insult, of course. They want to imply that Bush is hotheaded, vengeful, and dangerous. A real "shoot first, ask questions later" gunslinger kind of guy. Maybe even an outlaw. But they miss the mark completely. What is a cowboy? President Bush knows. He was raised in Texas, after all. And in Texas we know about cowboys. We learned about cowboys from the Lone Ranger and John Wayne. We grew up reading Louis L'Amour novels and watching Marshall Matt Dillon keep Dodge City safe. We grew up idolizing the American cowboy and all he stands for.

    What is a cowboy? A cowboy is resourceful, able to make do and get the job done with the tools at hand. He can fix a fence with a piece of baling wire or get water from a cactus in the middle of the Mojave. He may be "rough as a cob" when the situation calls for it, but he's gentle and kind with women and children. He recognizes that he is their protector. His word is his bond. He is polite and soft-spoken. He says "Sir" and "Ma'am." His speech may be more plain and simple than some prefer. He may say "folks" to describe anyone, friend or enemy. He uses terms like "evildoer," "dead or alive," "hunt 'em down" and "smoke 'em out." He's a man of few words, but when he speaks his meaning is clear.

    A cowboy recognizes the Creator and appreciates the beauty of the creation, but he knows that it was created for mankind to rule over and use. A cowboy has dreams, but he's also down to earth. A cowboy may have things in his past that he's not proud of, but he doesn't let them control who and what he is. He looks forward to the promise of tomorrow, resolved to be better than he was.

    A cowboy knows the difference between right and wrong. He also knows that there are good people as well as evil people in this world. He willingly accepts his duty to help and protect the good. He is your best friend and strongest ally if you walk on the side of the angels, but heaven help you if you don't for he also recognizes his responsibility to confront and destroy those who would do evil. He will take on any task that is necessary and do a good job, not for recognition or gain, but because someone has to do it. He can look at himself in the mirror every morning and sleep easy every night because he knows he's done his best to do the right thing each day.

    A cowboy is independent yet loyal, free-spirited but responsible. He is reliable, honest, and resolute. A cowboy does the right thing even when it's not popular and even when no one is watching because it is against his very nature to do otherwise. A cowboy is the embodiment of all the qualities that have made America the best and greatest nation on Earth. He is what all good men truly wish to be, in their hearts, whether they are willing to admit it or not.

    I think all those people may be right. President Bush is a cowboy. He did not go looking for this fight, but he will not back down from it. Yes, a cowboy will "walk away from trouble when he can" but he knows that "sometimes you've got to fight when you're a man." We will confront the evil that threatens us and we will destroy it. Our enemies will either change their ways or suffer the same fate.

    America has been the world's policeman when "criminals" needed to be stopped or brought to justice. Perhaps now we must be the world's cowboy and put an end to the outlaws and renegades who threaten civilized people. Regardless of what his critics may say about him, President Bush will do the right thing because that is what cowboys do. That is what Americans do. Even when it's not popular.

    Perhaps, the next time someone calls President Bush a cowboy he should simply smile and politely say "Thank you."

    Friday, July 02, 2004
      Yahoo! News - US lawmakers request UN observers for November 2 presidential election
    This is unreal and in my opinion the ones who are asking for this intrusion into our sovereignty should face public outrage and whatever official censure might be available. - James
      Great Satan or Great Savior?
    I originally wrote this in February of 2003. It was published in the Alvord-Sunset Gazette in Alvord, Texas.

    Great Satan or Great Savior?

    This thought occurred to me recently:

    If the French and Germans and the rest of our "friends" and "allies" along with the "anti-war," hate-America Left truly wanted to avoid war then they would support our efforts against Baghdad and join the coalition with our true friends.

    The surest way to secure peace is to prepare for war. The only thing that might possibly bring Iraq into compliance with the will of the world is the threat of destruction. Appeasement will not do it. Coddling will not do it. Portraying our President as a wild-eyed cowboy itching for a fight will not do it. Painting Hussein as a poor, maligned victim of American arrogance will not do it. These things only strengthen his belligerence and his resolve to delay and resist. These things only give him more time and more support to gain the material, technology and capability to threaten the entire world. Do we really want to wait until he has the upper hand? Until he can hold the world hostage to his will? I can remember when we all lived in fear of a global, nuclear war. I remember what the phrase "two minutes to midnight" meant. I for one don't want to go back there and I certainly don't want my children to live there.

    The only motive these enemies of freedom have for their words and action is the slandering and weakening of America and all freedom loving people. America does not conquer other nations, we liberate them. America does not occupy other nations, we rebuild them (or build them up for the first time). America does not oppress other nations, we build schools and hospitals. America does not terrorize the children of other countries, our soldiers build them playgrounds and collect clothing for them, usually with money from their own pockets. Americans do not murder the men or rape the women of other nations, we teach them the sanctity of human life and respect for woman and children, the elderly and weak.

    America is not the Great Satan, we are the Great Savior. We saved Europe from the Hun in World War I. We saved the entire world during World War II. Let the truth of that sink in. America saved the world. Yes, we were part of a great alliance. Yes, other countries made significant contributions of lives and materiel. But the war was definitely going in the favor of the Axis powers before we got in the fight. Europe, Asia and much of Africa were already overrun. England, though fighting valiantly, could not have held out indefinitely. Only with America's great industrial might devoted to the production of war materials, only with our men fighting, bleeding and dying, only with our men and women on the homefront producing weapons and supplies was the tide turned and the day won. We saved the French from the Nazis. We saved the German people from Hitler. We saved all of Asia and the Pacific region from Japanese Imperialism. America saved the world.

    We saved South Korea from Communist domination in the 1950s. We saved most of Europe from Communist invasion throughout the Cold War. Our resolve and power destroyed the Soviet Union. We saved the people of Panama from Noriega. We saved Kuwait and the rest of Southwest Asia from Saddam Hussein. We saved the Balkans from Milosevic. We saved Haiti from Cedras. We ensured the delivery of food to starving Somalis. We provided medical equipment and supplies to the reforming Soviet states. We conduct counterdrug operations throughout the hemisphere to rid the world of the scourge of illegal narcotics. These and countless other operations were conducted in the 20th century alone at a cost of millions of our dollars and many thousands of American lives. None of these were fought so that we could steal oil or annex countries. They were fought because someone must do the right thing.

    Perhaps the Germans have forgotten "Operation Vittles," the Berlin Airlift. In June 1948 the Soviets blocked all land routes into Berlin in attempt to cut off the city and drive out the western powers. They tried to blackmail us through the starvation of Berlin's citizens. Between June 1948 and September 1949 US and British planes delivered 2.3 million tons of food, coal and medicine to the citizens of Berlin through 280,000 flights. 75% of the goods were delivered by the US - at a cost of 31 American lives. The Soviets wanted to starve the people of Berlin. We wanted to save them, and we did. We did it because somebody had to do the right thing.

    By the way, Soviets are what we used to call the Russians, the new friends of the Germans in their diplomatic war against America. Politics does indeed make strange bedfellows.


    Keeping the Faith

    My Photo
    Location: alexandria, Virginia, United States

    Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.

    E-mail RightFace!

    Blogs I Read
  • - In My Right Mind
  • - From Behind the Badge
  • - Championable
  • - The Dawn Patrol
  • - The BoBo Files
  • - Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • - Not Fainthearted
  • - ABBAGirl 74
  • - RennRatt
  • - From My Position - Capt. Chuck Z.
  • - Michael Yon - Dispatches from the Front
  • - DadManly
  • - BlackFive
  • - Captain's Quarters
  • National Review
  • Weekly Standard
  • TownHall
  • Blue Eagle Columnist Round-Up
  • Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations