The Intolerance of the Left
As if you needed more evidence of the rabid intolerance exhibited by the "tolerant, enlightened," anti-patriot Left, there's this from KOMO-TV in Seattle:Ken Potts calls himself a patriot. That's what his front yard tells you too.
One flagpole flies the American flag. A second flagpole carries the banner of the Army's 101st Airborne. Even his mailbox on North 185th Street in Shoreline sports the image of the Airborne's screaming eagle.
"But he says that in the last year the mailbox has been blown up twice with fireworks. The house has been egged. Paint has been thrown on the house too. The flags have been torn down and ripped up more than once.
"And the 101st Airborne flag has had the word "murder" and a swastika written on it with a permanent marker. "
It's really difficult for me to see something like this and not feel sad." Especially, he says, since the 101st led the charge in World War II to defeat Nazi Germany.
"In two-foot tall letters on the side of his house facing Meridian someone painted "Bush Nazis."
"This former soldier with three tours of Vietnam says he feels like his own freedom of speech is under attack. "
When you have someone or a group of people who want to take that away from you, who probably didn't do a thing to defend them in the first place, it's really sad."
But to fight back he always puts new flags back on those front yard flagpoles.
"And he says he'll leave the spray painted "Bush Nazis" on the side of his house for a while to show people on this busy corner
what tolerance "doesn't" look like.
And I thought some of the comments made by the ankle-biting trolls on this blog were bad!