Winning Our WarA fascinating new book is available. "War Footing: 10 Steps America Must Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World" by Frank Gaffney and other contributors. Gaffney takes the work of thirty-five U.S. foreign policy and defense analysts and creates a comprehensive strategy for winning the war against Islamist jihadists.
What are the 10 steps?
Know the enemy
Really support U.S. troops
Provide for the country's energy security
Stop investing in terror
Equip the country for war at home
Counter the mega-threat: an EMP attack
Secure U.S. borders and the interior against illegal immigration
Wage political warfare
Launch regional initiatives
Wield effective diplomacy
A lot of things in the book go along with much of what Lt Col Ralph Peters has written in the past. See more about this book and get a sneak peak atWar Footing.
¶ Friday, February 03, 2006