All Played Out
Attention liberals, left-wingers and bleeding hearts. The Race card is played out. Time to stop playing it.
The latest example of playing the race card inappropriately is, as my friend
Clay points out, Senate MINORITY Leader Harry Reid. "This amendment is racist," Harry said about legislation to officially make English our national language. "I think it's directed basically to people who speak Spanish."
No Harry, it's directed at, among other things, the nonsensical practice of trying to accomodate every immigrant (or illegal alien invader) who doesn't want to make the effort required to get along in this country. If it's racism to stop tranlsating every legal document or form into Spanish then it's racism if we don't tranlate them inot EVERY one of the hundreds of other languages immigrants (or illegal alien invaders) speak. If not, why not? Of course it isn't racism and the solution, of course, is to have ONE national language for this country. And the logical choice is English, for many reasons.
Those for whom English is a "second language" should be insulted that our media and government think they are too stuipid or inferior to learn English. They should be proud to be here and part of that pride should inspire them to learn the language it takes to succeed and excel in this country.
English is not a race. Neither is Spanish. That's like me being accused of racism because I post against Muslim terrorists. (
Yeah, it's been done.) Islam is a "religion," not a race.
Racism is things like not hiring blacks, or latinos, or anyone else because of their ethnicity. Racism is not allowing blacks to vote. Racism is making blacks use separate restrooms and water fountains.
Words have meanings. And you don't get to change those meanings to suit your political agenda. This is a lesson our president needs to learn when he tries to call amnesty a "path to citizenship."
So Harry, put that race card back in your sleeve where you got it. It won't play on this hand.
Where They Really Work
Until today it was my contention that, rather than doing jobs Americans simply are unwilling to do (as illegal alien supporters claim) alien invaders instead keep wages low by doing those jobs for less. But today I was proven wrong by a recent Pew Hispanic Center report.
According to the report (
The Size and Characteristics of the Unauthorized Migrant Population in the U.S.) illegals are not doing the jobs Americans won't. In fact, a great many of them are taking jobs in some not so lowly occupations that rightfully belong to American citizens.
Almost a third (31%) of illegals are employed in non-professional, service occupations, such as, building and ground cleaning and maintenance and food preparation and serving. Nearly 1/5th (19%) are employed in construction or mining. 15% are in production, installation and repair and a mere 4% work in farming. (So much for the lie that our agriculture industry will screech to a halt without these bums!)
The report further shows that these criminals are taking quite a share of these jobs away from real Americans. They represent 24% of all workers employed in farming occupations, 17% in cleaning, 14% in construction and 12% in food preparation industries. They also make up a very large share of all workers in some occupations. They take up 36% of all insulation positions and 29% of all roofing and drywall installation jobs. They also steal 27% of all butcher and food processing employment.
So, if they're NOT doing the jobs that are "beneath" real Americans, as the liars in government and media would have us believe, then why the heck do we need them? If all they're doing is taking jobs from real Americans, why not send them all back where they came from?
There are 12 million of these sorry freeloaders in our country. I can afford to send one back. Now I just need 12 million friends to chip in. Who's next?
Time to Fight Back
What can we do? What can a good, conservative, patriotic, principled, Constitutional constructionist American do? The Republican party has abandoned us. Under Bush they have become the party of big-government. The party of illegal alien appeasement. Too many Republicans are weak on defense and the war on terrorism. They are weak on pro-life issues. They are weak on Social Security reform. They are weak on campaign finance.
So what can we do? Use the only real weapon we have that they should fear. We can vote. We can vote the bums out and vote men and women of principle in.
You see, the Republicans in office know what we know. That not voting for them in November is like throwing your vote to the Democrats. So they are secure in the knowledge we will support the lesser of two evils. Because the only thing worse than a government of pseudo-Republicans is a government of bona fide Democrats. So instead of voting for them in November when we have no choice, vote against them now while we still do.
Vote for people like 21-year-old Mark Harris. He just won the primary for the Pennsylvania 42nd District against a longtime incumbent Republican.
If you're in Utah's 3rd District vote for John Jacob against Chris Cannon who's held the seat for 10 years. In those 10 years he's sold his country out on the issue of illegal aliens. Cannon wants to give illegals the same dicounted college tuitions that state residents receive. Throw the bum out!
The Republican Party in Washington has turned it's back on the real Americans who put them in power. They did it after the Revolution of 1994, and they've done it again. It's time to stage our own revolution.
"...Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed..."
My Creed
by Edgar A. Guest
To live as gently as I can;
To be, no matter where, a man;
To take what comes of good or ill
And cling to faith and honor still;
To do my best, and let that stand
The record of my brain and hand;
And then, should failure come to me,
Still work and hope for victory.
To have no secret place wherein
I stop unseen to shame or sin;
To be the same when I'm alone
As when my every deed is known;
To live undaunted, unafraid
Of any step that I have made;
To be without pretense or sham
Exactly what men think I am.
To leave some simple mark behind
To keep my having lived in mind;
If enmity to aught I show,
To be an honest, generous foe,
To play my little part, nor whine
That greater honors are not mine.
This, I believe, is all I need
For my philosophy and creed.
Remember when illegal aliens were called, well, illegal aliens? When did they become "illegal immigrants?" Immigration is a legal process by which one moves to another country. There is nothing legal about these people. Worse yet is the term "undocumented worker."
I suggest a change. Lets call them what they are. Unwelcome colonists. Or better yet, foreign invaders.
Comment moderation, last refuge of liberal cowards.
Right and left are black and white!
Amusing Behavior
I'm always amused when liberals expect us to be concerned if we offend them and disagree with them. They act so amazed and sanctimonious, so wounded. You can almost hear them huff, "Uh! Is there no room for discussion?"
No, there isn't, you're wrong. Why do they think agreement between liberals and conservatives is a lofty goal? If I could agree with you I'd change my position. If I didn't think you were wrong then I'd be a liberal too. You're wrong! How can you expect me to agree with you!
We can't even "agree to disagree." That would mean I think it's okay for you to be wrong. It's not. You have the right to be wrong, but it's not okay.
If you hate Bush with a rabid passion and I think he's doing a fair job (certainly better than the alternatives could,) where's the "room for discussion?" If you think the government should be bigger and doing more and I think it should be smaller and doing only what the Constitution allows, where's the "room for discussion? " If you think we shouldn't be in Iraq and I think we should be in Iraq and Iran and Syria, where's the "room for discussion?" If you think the murder of a child is a woman's "right to choose" and I think it should be a crime, where's the "room for discussion?" If you think Christian's religious beliefs should be kept behind closed doors and I think we need more of it, everywhere, where's the "room for discussion?" If you side with people who say "Conservatives are fascist nutjobs," where's the "room for discussion?"
The most amusing part of this is liberals think we want to find common ground to agree with them. We're right, you're wrong. Where's the "common ground?"
Who You Callin' A Chickenhawk?
From the brilliant mind of Frank at IMAO:
Q. What's a chicken hawk? Is it like some sort of half-hawk, half-chicken?
A. Actually, it's a hawk that eats chicken. And rats.
Q. So why do supporters of the war get called "chicken hawks" like its an insult?
A. Well, the short answer is some people are morons.
... Many liberals, in their diminished mental capacities, like to have a word or phrase to shout over and over in lieu of the mental preparedness needed for an actual debate of issues. Fighting tyranny is a complicated issue, and, rather than admit they’re on the side of tyranny, many liberals will try to avoid debate altogether in any way possible.
Q. Liberals seem to use the phrase "chicken hawk" against people who aren't in the military? Do liberals want a government where decisions are only made by those in the military?
A. No, they hate the military.
Q. But they say they support the troops!
A. And you can train a parrot to say the same thing. That doesn't mean anything.
Q. So what would happen if someone in the military tried to debate them on the issues?
A. First, the liberal would try to find some way of discounting the military service so that the person is still, in their bloodshot eyes, a "chicken hawk" by their understanding.
Q. It doesn't sound like there is any point in trying to debate anti-war liberals.
A. There really isn't. The best idea is to carry a water bottle with you, and, when a liberal starts shouting a repetitive phrase at you, spray him in the face. If timed properly, the liberal will associate annoying phrases with getting sprayed in the face with water and thus stop his bad behavior. This will take patience, as liberals are harder to train than dogs since they lack a natural sense of loyalty.
Q. Why would the media front be important?
A. Unfortunately, as hard as our military men and women fight, they can still lose by the American public turning against the conflict and convincing whiny politicians into pulling everyone out. That's because we've still yet to learn the main lesson of the Vietnam War.
Q. Which is?
A. Don't lose wars. Otherwise, people - especially the enemy - will declare any conflict "just like that other war America lost" and be certain America will pull out if enough pressure is put on the American people. This means much more fighting is needed to convince the enemy we are serious.
Q. Do the liberals want American troops to fail?
A. Pretty much. You can feel their barely restrained glee as the troop death toll goes to a number the find significant - usually a round number. They then use the death of our brave fighting men and women against the very things they fought and died for.
Q. They sound like ghouls.
A. Only if you go by the strict definition of what's a ghoul.
But don't question their patriotism.
Q. Why not?
A. I was being sarcastic. Go ahead and question it.
Go over and read the whole thing. It's genius. You'll love it!
E Pluribus Unum?
A word to the illegal immigrants (They are criminals, not "undocumented workers!") and all others who wish to reap the bounty of this best and greatest country in the history of our Earth. Our first national motto was "E pluribus unum," Latin for "From many, one" or "Out of many, one." The literal translation is actually "One out of more."
The phrase comes from a poem, "Moretum" by an unknown author. The subject of the poem is a recipe of cheese, garlic and herbs and "color est e pluribus unus" describes the blending of colors into one. In other words, the colors become one so that they are inseparable. What a beautiful image of the dream of America.
What does E pluribus unum mean to America? Simple. We come from many countries, many cultures, many religions, many languages and many different ethnic roots. But in this country we must become one people, with one language in which to communicate and one rule of law to govern us. From many, one. "We the people..."
That rule of law requires that to be a citizen of this country and to enjoy the full benefit of what she offers there are procedures that must be followed. Those procedures do not include swimming or wading across the Rio Grande. They do not include being smuggled across our borders under the hood of a truck. They do not include crawling through a barbed wire fence in the dark of night. If you do those things you are hear illegally. You are a common criminal. You are not entitled to a single one of the benefits America's citizen's enjoy. You are entitled to a free trip back to the border you illegally came across. Period. You are not a part of "From many, one."
You do not deserve amnesty and automatic citizenship, any more than those criminals who received it from President Reagan in 1984. You do not deserve to compete in the job market with those who came to this country legally, earned their citizenship and swore their allegiance to America. You do not deserve to receive social services that those people who were born here receive. You do not even deserve to be incarcerated in one of our jails or prisons. Above all, your children do not deserve to automatically be American citizens. They to deserve to be sent back wherever you came from. They are not a part of "From many, one."
In 1954 President Eisenhower initiated "Operation Wetback" to stem the invasion of America by 1 million illegals per year. We forcibly sent many thousands back and many more left on their own. Reagan's 1984 amnesty for 3 million illegals opened a floodgate in our borders. Today there are more than 12 million people in this country who have no right to be here. President Bush himself, who supports another amnesty travesty, admits that one in every 12 illegals has a criminal record. Amnesty for them means that 1 million criminals are granted the same rights and freedoms American's enjoy. It means 1 million criminals are set loose to prey on American citizens.
Our country is not sectarian. It is not exclusive. It is not restrictive. We accept all who are willing to abide by our laws. Those laws include immigration laws. My great-great-grandfather came to this country in 1853 to escape famine and revolution in Germany. My other ancestors came over before that. And they became citizens legally, in accordance with America's laws.
I welcome immigrants. They are the strength of this nation. I am glad my own forbears wanted a better life and came to America. If they hadn't I wouldn't be here. This is a wonderful nation with unlimited opportunity. And in spite of the fact that much of the world has a rabid, virulent hatred for this country people are still eager to come here and become citizens. It is not hard to become an American citizen. Is it too much to ask that it be done legally?