Tuesday, May 01, 2007
  365 And A Wake-Up
I marked the occasion of going over 19 years of total active federal military service back on April 4th. I was on leave at the time and remembered it. But, I didn't realize until lunch today that I will be eligible to retire exactly one year from today.

I was having lunch at Hard Times Café in Arlington with my minister, Kurt, and my friend, Justin. We were talking about what I might like to do after I retire when I realized the date and said that I had exactly one year left. Justin, who's a project manager for DMJM, immediately said, "Give me your resume." (Yeah, I love living in a town where you can't mention you're retiring from the Air Force without people asking for your resume!)

So, one more year. I have less time left in the Air Force than I spent in Korea. (1 year and 10 days thanks to an imcompetent orderly room.) I never imagined when I enlisted over 19 years ago that I would do this for nearly half my life thus far. When I enlisted my plan was to do four years and out. I was going to learn about computers, get my GI Bill money, and get out. But something always kept me going for another tour. Sometimes it was pride in the service, sometimes it was the job, and sometimes it was just job security. And here I am at the other end of a career getting ready to move on to something better, I have no doubt.
Only one year left for a chance to fight in the war you love so much?

I'll be praying you get your chance.
One can only hope.
19 years... wow!! I'll hit that milestone in October myself.

Hard to believe almost 20 years have passed since we raised our right hands and volunteered to defend what so many people take for granted.
"Only one year left for a chance to fight in the war you love so much?

I'll be praying you get your chance."

Jay, at least James served in the military almost 20 years. How long was "supposed" enlistment? I'm willing to bet it wasn't any where near 20 years.

As for praying for James to go to war, doesn't that put you in a bit of a predictament? I mean, first off praying to God to put a fellow person in harms way is hardly the type of prayer request that God is going to even honor to begin with. In fact you'd only be insulting God.

Second, if James is to go to war, then that means the war that you "supposedly" loath will be prolonged. I thought you were against the war and tired of all of the wasted sacrifices of tax dollars going to supporting it?

You sound abit hypocritical here.
I would just like for james to experience the full range of military service...including combat, seeing how much he loves other people engaging in the activity. Maybe if I sat on my fat ass in front of a desk, I would have considered doing a twenty. I was frankly thankful to God I got out with all my body parts.

The only hypocrites I can see here are cowards who spew how vital this war is for our very civilization, calling for every sacrifice...from others.
"The only hypocrites I can see here are cowards who spew how vital this war is for our very civilization, calling for every sacrifice...from others."

Yeah, as if James has some kind of magic powers that influence AFPC and those that fill deployments with bodies.

"I would just like for james to experience the full range of military service...including combat, seeing how much he loves other people engaging in the activity."

jay, I thought you said you were all about praying to God that James would be sent into harm's way in a war that you claim to be illegal in the first place.

Are you back peddaling now that it has been pointed out to you, by a person with an actual degree in Christianity, (see my response to your "educating me about religion" comment on my blog), that your prayer to God to send James into harm's way would be insulting to God in the first place?

"Maybe if I sat on my fat ass in front of a desk, I would have considered doing a twenty. I was frankly thankful to God I got out with all my body parts."

What branch of the service do you claim to have served in? You aren't old enough to have served in Viet Nam, so what engagement are you referring to? Beruit?

jay, The bottom line is that you tucked your tail underneath your legs and ran, the very first opportunity you got, from military service, (that is, of course, if you ever really served), and you have no where near the balls it took to stay in as long as James has.

Whose the coward here? Hint, jay, it is you not James.

I sympathize with you, I really do. It must be tough to get up every morning, look at that tub of guts in the mirror and acknowledge that you are reduced to ridiculing and denigrating someone who's chosen a life of service to their country.

I get up every day knowing that what I do makes a positive difference for the future of this nation. Meanwhile, you moan about how fat you've gotten, how you can't lose weight, how you can't quit smoking, how much your job sucks, how much you hate the people you work with, how you don't deserve the woman you've got and how all of these things are the fault of one man living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Look at the above list of issues that you incessantly post about, then tell me how on earth you can counsel other people about their problems and keep a straight face. It's amazing they don't arrest you for fraud.

The truth is I've served in the U.S. Air Force for 19 years while you pretend to have served at all. I've spent months and years away from my wife and kids while you make up stories about your "combat wounds." You dream up incriminating evidence you claim to have researched about me when the truth is I doubt if you even know my name. Continue to wallow in your delusions if you must. You are a sad, sick, insignificant little man. See a shrink instead of pretending to act like one. It couldn't hurt.

That sounds like some good advice. You might want to look into it.
thanks for the years of service. you do right and you have the common sense to know the difference you make. You allow us to post without fear of government reprisal.

Thanks for the support. You're welcome.

I enjoyed taking a look around your blog. Keep the faith!
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Keeping the Faith

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Location: alexandria, Virginia, United States

Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.

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  • - In My Right Mind
  • - From Behind the Badge
  • - Championable
  • - The Dawn Patrol
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  • - Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • - Not Fainthearted
  • - ABBAGirl 74
  • - RennRatt
  • - From My Position - Capt. Chuck Z.
  • - Michael Yon - Dispatches from the Front
  • - DadManly
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  • - Captain's Quarters
  • National Review
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  • Blue Eagle Columnist Round-Up
  • Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations