Monday, June 27, 2005
  NOT-the-American Civil Liberties Union
ACLU Suspends Southern Chapter Over Minuteman Issue

-AP- The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico suspended its Las Cruces chapter Monday after learning that a member of the group's board was heading the formation of a Minuteman-style organization in New Mexico.
Gary Mitchell, a Ruidoso attorney and president of the ACLU board of directors, said, "We will not tolerate racism and vigilantism in the leadership structure of our organization. They are repugnant to the principles of civil liberties and the mission of the ACLU.''
Clifford Alford, leader of the New Mexico Minutemen, has said he's not a hateful vigilante and that he would like to see immigration policy reformed. He has said that if the federal government allowed more immigrant workers to enter the country legally, many problems on the border would be solved.
Alford scouted the New Mexico-Mexico border two weeks ago, looking for sites to station his 42 volunteers to detect illegal immigrants sneaking into the country. His group plans to offer food, water and medical aid but still report the illegal immigrants to the U.S. Border Patrol.
ACLU officials have said they will work to stop Alford's group and the Minuteman Project in New Mexico from taking the law into their own hands.

"Las Cruces has a large number of passionate, committed civil libertarians,'' he said. "The ACLU intends to work with them to protect all people's civil liberties, regardless of their race, national origin or immigration status.''

I suggest the ACLU change their name. They are not concerned with the Civil Liberties of Americans. Rather, they are focusing on violating the laws of America and the rights of it's people by forcing our government to extend the benefits of American citizenship to anyone.

What are these minutemen thinking? Offering food, water, and medical aid to people sneaking across our border so they can live & work here illegally. Why the American Southwest will soon be another of our gulags!

The ACLU should team up with the UN. Then they can be ridiculous in stereo.
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