Thursday, September 18, 2008
  Rabid Attacks & Blind Rage
(originally written on 9/4/08 in another forum.)

This whole attack on Governor Palin has got me so pissed I can hardly formulate a coherent rebuttal. If this were some pro-abortion, left wing femi-nazi (like Shrillary) the media would be giving her a pass. And demanding the entire country do the same.

They hate Sarah Palin because she represents real Americans, instead of what they imagine Americans should be. She doesn't fit into their anti-gun, pro-abortion, career-woman, PETA-loving, anti-business, anti-oil, tree-hugging, big government feminist mold, so she - and her family - must be savaged and destroyed.

Meanwhile, I have no doubt that real Americans are watching and taking note. First of all, we like Palin. It didn't take long to figure out that she is a fine American with character, courage, and strong family values. Much like most of us. Even my wife, who is no fan of Republicans, likes Governor Palin. For a person who considers Clinton and Carter to have been good Presidents, that's a pretty serious endorsement.

Second, Americans are not pleased with the despicable attacks of the Democrats, the liberals, and the left-wing, pro-Obama media. I think in the next 2 months we will see a huge backlash against the Obama/Biden campaign.

The ironic part of this is that the media, and the left, cannot fathom any of this. They are flabbergasted that we haven't fallen in love with Barry Obama. That we don't hate McCain and Palin. That we don't pile onto the governor and her family with them. They believe that because they say something we should believe it and blindly follow. Talk about not getting it!
  McCain IS a "Cybersavvy Technologist"
A few days ago I posted about this diversionary fiasco put forth by Obama & his campaign about John McCain and the Internet.

This is such a non-issue. (And here I thought the Obamaphiles wanted to run a campaign about "real" issues. You know the ones that impact the American people.) As I've said, I don't particularly want my President to be spending his time sending e-mails and updating his Facebook status.

For the record, Senator McCain has long been considered one of the Senate’s leading authorities on telecommunications and the Internet, even by The Left. He was called the “Senate’s savviest technologist” by Forbes magazine in 2000. During the presidential campaign that year, Slate’s Jacob Weisberg referred to him as the most “cybersavvy” of all the presidential candidates, including that famed inventor of the Internet, Al Gore. Weisberg went on to say that, as Chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, he had to "learn about the Internet early on, and young Web entrepreneurs such as Jerry Yang and Jeff Bezos fascinate him.”

And, whether you like it or not, in 2000, Forbes, Slate, and the Boston Globe all reported that McCain isn't proficient in the use of a personal computer primarily because the North Vietnamese broke his fingers and shattered both of his arms. By the way, not being able to actively use technology or have hands-on something doesn't mean he doesn't understand it. (Stephen Hawking comes to mind as an example of this truth.)

Oh, one more thing for the record, Bill Clinton sent exactly 2 e-mails while President. One of those was a test to see if he could press “Send.”
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
  A Little Joke
What's the difference between the media and a watchdog?


Acknowledgment and apologies to James Taranto and WSJ's Best of the Web.
  No Thanks, Saint Barry
A few days ago I posted on the inane slogan making the rounds everywhere from the blogosphere to Facebook's Flair. It not-so-subtly compares Barry Obama with the Savior of mankind and Governor Sarah Palin with Pontius Pilate, the Roman official technically responsible for Jesus' execution.

In my opinion, this is just an extension of Obama's sycophantic cult of personality and their irrational belief that he is the Messiah come to save America, and the world, from itself. (Remember this self-aggrandizing nugget? "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. ... Yes we can!")

My response to Barry, the somewhat unsuccessful community organizer: "I have a Savior. I need a President."
Monday, September 15, 2008
  Insulting Governors?
I'm really getting sick of those on the Left who insist on denigrating and disqualifying Governor Palin because Alaska just doesn't measure up as a state!

I mean, is it fair to say someone isn't qualified to lead this country because their state is 49th in population, less people than any state but Wyoming? Or because it was ranked 32nd among states in which to do business and has been said by experts to have "a really stagnant economy"? Or because only 11% of workers in the state are unionized? Or because it's the only state in the union not to require a balanced budget? Or because it has only 2 major airports? Or because it has some of the least restrictive gun control laws in the country, including being able to purchase or concealed carry a firearm without a permit or license? Or that more than two-thirds of the population identify themselves as Christians?

What do these things, or any others, have to do with how well the governor of that state could lead the country? Get real people!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
  Taking the Lord's Name in Vain
I'm quoting the following by permission (with a minor edit) because I think it is such a flawless rebuttal of the recent nonsense comparing Obama with Jesus (and I don't mean those excellent McCain ads).
I just saw something that was about the stupidest sentiment ever.
Attention Sarah Palin:
Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer.
Pontius Pilate was a Governor.
Are you freaking kidding me?

No, I'm not arguing the Biblical accuracy of Pilate being a Governor...he was Governor of Judea. Fine.

What I am going to take offense at is calling Jesus a Community Organizer. It's a whole long road from traveling around to bring people the Word of God to "organizing." Although I'm sure Obama would like to be able to raise people from the dead (he'd get more votes), walk on water (sure would help to visit the idiots who refuse to evacuate ahead of the hurricanes), and turn water into wine (this is self-evident), I'm kinda thinking he'd leave the game long before taking on anyone else's sins. Referring to Jesus as a Community Organizer would be akin to labeling Hillary as a non-partisan moderate - it just ain't right, man.

Let me, perhaps, offer a better example of a Community Organizer:

* He organized people to fight the standards of the government he perceived as mismanaged and wrongheaded.
* He gathered supporters for the cause of regaining national pride through charismatic speeches and using inflated promises and statistics to gain followers.
* He wrote a memoir before ever really achieving anything in life.
* He was not actually a part of the demographic he sought to represent.

Who was he? Adolf Hitler.
Scared yet? Of course, no one on the Left will be able to grasp the logic of this. That's because they all know, Bush is Hitler!

The above is from Breakfast at Tiffany's
  Tech Savvy?
Who really gives a crap if John McCain (or any candidate) can use a computer? This is just SUCH a non-issue.

I want my leader to be way to busy with important stuff to be sending an e-mail or updating his Facebook status. Seriously!
Friday, September 12, 2008
  Ugly Step-Sisters

My wife came up with pretty good analogy tonight to illustrate the rabid mauling of Governor Palin by the Left-wing feminists.

Remember Cinderella? How her ugly step-sisters told her that if she just did all her chores she could go to the ball? She did everything they demanded, and more. She created a beautiful gown for herself, from their castoffs. And when they saw that, not only had she met their challenge with grace & grit, but she outshone them in every way, they attacked her. They ripped her dress to shreds and locked her away, banished from the ball. They were jealous of her beauty, her poise and her accomplishments. Because they knew, once Pince Charming saw Cinderella, they wouldn't get a second glance.

So it is with the Left-wing feminists. They said that women could have it all. But they forgot to mention that in order for achievement to be accepted, a woman must follow their rules. And Sarah didn't. She did it all on her own. She became mayor and governor, while raising children and being devoted to her husband and her God. She is a successful, beautiful, confident woman who loves, respects and cares for her husband and her children - even the baby they think she should have murderded.

The problem is, the Left-wing feminists, and the Left in general, look just as ugly as those step-sisters. And most people are finally understanding just how petty, insecure and hypocritical they really are. And, with any luck at all, their blind, raging hatred of Governor Palin, a self-made, feminine, anti-feminist will likely cost Barack Obama & Joe Biden the election.
  360° Media Coverage

Couldn't find the next frame that shows Sarah, on a snowmobile, blowing these vermin away with the rifle of truth.
  Dork vs. Babe

Obama doesn't have a chance if it's just about image. And it isn't.
  A Successful Woman Threatens the Feminists
Feminist Army Aims Its Canons at Palin

The Leftist assault on Sarah Palin continues and intensifies. The most feminine, successful and charismatic woman in politics is just not feminist enough for the Left, and nothing is off-limits, not even a 4 month old baby.

"It works like this: If you don’t agree with feminist scolds, you’re not a real woman, even if you’re a very feminine working mom. But even if you’re an actual man — never mind a childless feminist who looks like a Bulgarian weightlifter in drag — you’re a “real woman” solely because you nod your head like a windup clapping monkey every time you read the latest editorial in Ms. Recall how they christened Bill Clinton the “first female president,” too."
Thursday, September 11, 2008
  Why Obama & the Dems Are Scared
"McCain is a threat to the Democrats chances of victory. But Palin is an existential threat to the existence of the Democratic party. To have the top woman in American politics be pro-life and be a conservative is a threat to the very core constituencies that make up the Democratic Party. It would be like the head of a labor union that's pro-Republican running for President. It undermines that constituency and they're terrified of that." - Dick Morris
  Seven years Gone by
No "Where I Was..."
No "Have we forgotten."
Just a simple, but true, message.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
  Yes, She Did Say "No"
Mr. Obama has shown little restraint on earmarks until this year. He is vulnerable on this issue, and he knows it. That is why he is lashing out at Mrs. Palin and trying to hide his own record.

Mrs. Palin is one of the strongest antiearmark governors in America.Her record is solid and inspiring. She will help Mr. McCain shut down the congressional favor factory, and she has a record to prove it.
Monday, September 08, 2008
  Obama's Plan (to Tax Your A$$ Off)
According to the non-partisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, Obama's proposals outlined in his convention speech will cost the federal budget around $377 billion in the year 2013, based on his own figures, including the optimistic claim that he can save $75 billion a year by closing tax loopholes and $55 billion by initiating a phased withdrawal from Iraq.

The Committee estimates that Obama's promises to extend most of the Bush tax cuts from 2001 and 2003 and lessen the bite of the Alternative Minimum Tax will likely cost the U.S. Treasury around $400 billion a year.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
  Joe Biden on Meet the Press
I had a couple of thoughts while watching Joe Biden & Tom Brokaw double-team Governor Sarah Palin yesterday.

1. Biden's very first comment referred to his position as Co-chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Just in case we forgot that debating foreign policy legislation allegedly gives him much more experience than actually governing a town and a state.

1. Biden complained about Palin not answering any questions or giving any interviews yet. He has been the nominee for VP one week longer than her, and yesterday was his first Sunday morning news appearance since.

2. Biden thinks he's ready to debate Gov. Palin because he lives with "smart women" (his wife & daughter) and because he works with "many smart, tough women" in the Senate.

3. Biden repeatedly referred to Gov Palin as a "smart, tough politician." I assume he wants to plant that word in our minds, since most of us know politicians are what's wrong with this country. He has been a career politician for 38 years, since 1970. Gov. Palin was first elected 12 years ago. So, who's the real "politician"? Maybe he just doesn't consider himself "smart" or "tough".

4. Biden used Obama's cliche "above my pay grade" in response to a question. Can't these guys form an independent thought or make a decision? (At least it wasn't on the same "when does life begin" question as his boss.)

5. Rather than acknowledge the contribution of "the surge" to improving conditions in Iraq, Biden tried to take the credit by saying the changes were the result of implementing HIS suggestions.

6. Biden didn't see anything inappropriate in getting hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions from, and his son getting a job with, a credit card company while he lobbied for a bankruptcy bill that was very good for them and very bad for consumers.

7. He spun and spun and spun (very unconvincingly) trying to squirm away from the question of his support for abortion, when he admits he believes that life begins at conception.

Overall, Brokaw was much more objective and balanced than I expected, while managing to toss Biden plenty of softball questions and very little tough follow-up.
Friday, September 05, 2008
  Cindy's Inspiring Too
Cindy McCain RNC Video Montage

Cindy McCain has led an inspiring life of service, as a teacher and humanitarian. Skip to 3:40 in this video to see what I mean.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
  Skewering Palin
Palin the Impaled
"Palin is everything liberals have always purported to want for women — freedom to choose, opportunities for both career and family, a shot at the top ranks of American political life. ... what’s perfectly clear is that feminism today is not about advancing women, but only a certain kind of woman."

Keeping the Faith

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Location: alexandria, Virginia, United States

Retired from the US Air Force after more than 20 years of service. Now working as a contractor for various government agencies.

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Blogs I Read
  • - In My Right Mind
  • - From Behind the Badge
  • - Championable
  • - The Dawn Patrol
  • - The BoBo Files
  • - Breakfast At Tiffany's
  • - Not Fainthearted
  • - ABBAGirl 74
  • - RennRatt
  • - From My Position - Capt. Chuck Z.
  • - Michael Yon - Dispatches from the Front
  • - DadManly
  • - BlackFive
  • - Captain's Quarters
  • National Review
  • Weekly Standard
  • TownHall
  • Blue Eagle Columnist Round-Up
  • Max Boot, Council on Foreign Relations